Even if you use a computer routinely in your daily work, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have automated your business processes. If you still have tons of paperwork, have difficulties finding information you need or you still file them as Word or Excel documents, chances are that you’re still miles away from running your business e-way. Despite all the computers you still don’t know where your stuff is and you keep doing the same routine over and over again. To be honest, instead of helping you, in many cases computers became your worst nightmare. And why is it so - because you use them as advanced typewriters and calculators. Think about it, see this as a fact, and get rid of it. Do not be scared thinking that automation costs a fortune – send us an inquiry and you might be pleasantly surprised. 30 years of programing experience does miracles :)
Do you feel like your clients expect you and your team to be machines? Or do you feel like you have been in a machine? What if things can get better? Do you have the courage to try to relieve yourself and improve your business?
Calculate. Calculate how much time you lose on stupid jobs and will the market wait for you to organize. What do you think is going to happen if you keep your head in the sand?
Don’t wait. Many programming solutions that could seriously make your life easier are IZVODIVA with an exceptional ROI. Do the things that bring you money, leave the unproductive jobs to the computers.
Whoever you are, whatever job you’re doing, if you came across paperwork or do repeated actions and have the feeling that you do more than necessary, you should think about how much that process can be made quicker, simpler and better. After 30 years of programing experience we know that things can be improved significantly even where you don’t immediately see it. Address us to find solutions that will be lucrative and efficient. Below are some examples that show what can be done and how.
Around 2 million people in the world die every year from AIDS. Number of people affected by HIV / AIDS in 2010 exceeded 34 million. In Bosnia and Herzegovina the situation, at least compared to the world average, fortunately is a lot better but we also have our own people with AIDS and those who carry HIV. These people need to get help, they must be registered and must be continuously monitored.
In order for this evidence to be solved in the best way, we were asked to analyze the practices of other countries, establish in cooperation with medical workers needs, and deliver a solution that will allow proper registration, monitoring and treatment of HIV / AIDS patients. Data Bases have to be secret, security is at a high level, and the solution is such that it can be used by people to whom the information technology it''''s not close.
HIV DATA, cloud-based solution that we have developed, is a complex but functional application that allows you to record personal data of a sick, registration information regarding the circumstances of disease, history of the disease in stages, monitoring the status of the laboratory and other findings and a host of other information from the moment of the registratition of the patient and through the entire course of treatment.
You think that selling raw materials and rent printers is an easy job? What do you think how easy it is to follow a number of leased devices made up of several major components intended for large business systems? You might think that paper and ink are the only things that one printer can use on a daily or monthly basis?
Of course, by its nature, the task seems simple, but only when you scratch beneath the surface and start to resolve it, you’ll see all its complexity. Great devices consume much more than that even without quality records and daily inspection of the condition of each device and its components, business in an instant can go in an unwanted direction.
For Xenon Forte have we therefore, BiH dealers of Kyocera printers, programmed an application that on a push of a button can provide overview for each printer and its components, services and material consumption. In this way, our client at any time have an accurate view of the state of each of the rented equipment, which enables timely reaction to market fluctuations and to the satisfaction of both parties involved.
Fight against organized crime is a series and hard job. Investigators and prosecutors need all kinds of information to do their job properly. Balkan is, like naturally connected, unfortunately, also connected in that way.
Because the practices of courts and legislators are different, and crime knows how to use that, we work precisely and with bigger harmonization of the law, and close the holes through that criminals escape.
The German GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) as a contribution to this hard work, created the project of informing through production of comparative database stored with numbers of laws that treat this area, dates of entry into effect and the possibility to compare laws, and numbers of training material that will help prosecutors in stopping criminal activities.
VLO or Virtual law office project is created for the English market but it’s not specially connected to the Anglo-Saxon right and can be used for other legal systems. VLO is an application that enables the defendant constant communication with his lawyer or lawyer team, gives then insides of the case a generally, leaves more space for organizing the defense.
The original request came from CCW, English lawyer office from Lincolnshire County. The point and idea of this application is to make easier and speed up the communication and following open cases so that only I situations where its rely necessary, it comes to an actual physical contact between clients and lawyers or lawyer teams.
Logically, the simplicity and safety criteria were especially important so we paid special attention to that. With a few steps it is possible to upload needed documents, see the case status, and the communication is achieved with a system of internal messages, without the relatively insecure E-mail protocol. A high level of mutual, within the system, security was achieved.
National Instruments Lookout HMI/SCADA software sistem je platforma za kontrolu različitih, kompleksnih procesnih postrojenja. Budući da je kontrola tehnoloških procesa veoma kompleksan zadatak, a upravljanje postrojenjima je u mnogim slučajevima potencijalno veoma opasno sve aktivnosti na sistemu bilježe se u posebne log baze koje je poslije moguće analizirati kako bi se, u slučaju sudskih sporova ali i iz drugih mnogo manje dramatičnih razloga, moglo utvrditi šta se u kojem trenutku dešavalo.National Instruments Lookout HMI/SCADA software system is a platform for control of different, complex processes facilities. Because the control of technical processes is a very complex task, and managing facilities is in many cases potentially very dangerous all activities on the system are recorded in a special log base that is later possible to analyze so that, in case of litigations and other less dramatic reasons, it can be determined what happened and when.
For reading of all this data and their analyzes you have to use complex programs that extract data suitable to read from an encrypted log. The problem of using this kind of software is the complexity of the commands which require an IT expert that is capable of extracting what’s necessary to the user from the masses of information. Because of that we were asked to create event viewer software that will help less professional staff through graphic user interface get the reports that are needed in every day work.
The developed solution was characterized by simplicity and flexibility so the process of derivation important information was reduced to a couple of mouse clicks that doesn’t require any no special expertise.
Although back in 1999 this project could easily described as real time report about the state of ship reloading in port of Koper is one of our favorite because various Slovenian, Italian, and Austrian companies had difficulties on this project.
At the invitation of our partner from Slovenia in Port of Koper we were presented the problem and, since it is in our blood that we like challenges, we gladly tackled this relatively demanding application.
The background of the problem lays in the fact that Port of Koper was computerized in the 60s of the last century and that parts of the system were really old, but still functioning so that there switch to online and mobile sphere was pretty demanding.
How to reconcile the cat and dog? How to make new technology talk to the old? We found the solution and at Port of Koper they were very thankful. We achieved what others thought was impossible and made it possible for captains, carriers, shippers, publicans, and all the others that are involved In the process that since 1999 through their mobile devices they can check when to come back to the port, when to send trucks, trains, come to look or comply pilotage (sailing into the port). We are very proud of this project.
...maybe it’s because you remember our Bosnian-English two-way dictionary for Windows-e, or the same dictionary for German language. Do you know that the Bosnian-English two-way dictionary was the first BiH software that you could buy packed in a box of shelves in a store? Maybe you spent all night playing our Yamb, the fun that made many parents hate us until they also fall into the trap :) We also made pharmacological registers, memory games, quizzes, and much more. Whizbase® drive platform on which our cloud solutions are based and that is used by many systems that come out of our workshop. You can trust us, we know what we do and, what’s more important, we know what we don’t know!